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voter fraud | Mary C. Curtis

Mary C. Curtis: Biden Moves Forward, But Does Trump?

CHARLOTTE, NC — Attorney General Bill Barr says the Justice Department has not found voter fraud that would change the outcome of the election.

It comes as battleground states such as Arizona and Wisconsin certify election victories for Joe Biden.

WCCB political contributor Mary C. Curtis has more.

You can also check out Mary’s podcast ‘Equal Time.’

Mary C. Curtis: How Big a Role Will Mail-In Ballots Play in the Election?

CHARLOTTE, NC — In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, a historic number of voters are requesting mail-in ballots in many states including North Carolina.

But how big of a role with mail-in ballots play in this upcoming election?

WCCB political contributor Mary C. Curtis explains.

9th District Race – No End in Sight

CHARLOTTE, NC —  Robert Pittenger will not run again in North Carolina’s 8th District U.S. House race.  At least that’s what he says.  And right now, that might be the only thing people know for sure about the contested contest roiled by accusations of election fraud and more plot twists than any movie.

WCCB Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis weighs in.

A House Race in North Carolina Gets Curiouser and Curiouser

OPINION — CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Perhaps North Carolina’s 9th District will have a congressman by January; but maybe not.

You see, there seems to have been a mix-up in the count, distribution and collection of absentee ballots in Bladen and Robeson counties, which make up part of the district — what the state elections board (made up of four Democrats, four Republicans and one independent) called “unfortunate activities” when it first refused to certify the results.

For a while, it looked as though the Republican, former Baptist pastor Mark Harris, had beaten the Democrat, Marine veteran and businessman Dan McCready, by a mere 905 votes of about 280,000 cast in the gerrymandered district that may not exist after a court-ordered redraw. But now investigations, possible lawsuits and an absence of official results mean this particular 2018 race may not be decided until 2019.

Debate No. 3 and Donald Trump’s ‘Election Rigging’ Theories

CHARLOTTE, NC — President Obama now addressing Donald Trump’s repeated claims of election rigging and fraud, calling the comments “irresponsible.” That’s expected to be one of the big talkers at the final presidential debate in Las Vegas, with Emmy award-winning journalist Chris Wallace cast as tonight’s moderator. Our political contributor Mary C. Curtis joins us for more.

A voter ID battle in North Carolina

Elections have consequences. In North Carolina, which elected Republican Gov. Pat McCrory and a GOP super-majority in both the state House and Senate in 2012, legislation to institute photo identification as a prerequisite for voting is again on the table.