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Michael Bloomberg | Mary C. Curtis

Democrats’ competing postmortems leave out history — and the obvious

When the primary for the 2020 presidential contest was just beginning, an acquaintance — an intelligent, wealthy, white Democrat — shared her sure-fire prediction as we shared dinner. “It’s going to be Michael Bloomberg,” she said. “He’s the logical choice” to be the party’s nominee for president. She seemed shocked when I told her, “It will never happen.”

My explanation was a simple one, and it had not crossed her mind because, I realized, it had never affected that particular New Yorker nor any member of her family. The most loyal base of the Democratic Party had for some time been Black voters, and for many of them, the former New York City mayor would always be associated with three words: “Stop and frisk.” Stopping mostly Black and brown young men as a means to reduce crime was, after all, his signature.

When the tactic was questioned, when data showed minorities frisked by police were no more likely to possess guns, Bloomberg did not budge, and said: “I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little.” He vetoed city council bills that curbed the practice and railed against a federal judge who ruled it unconstitutional.

Charlotte Talks Local News Roundup: Biden Seeks Comeback In SC Primary; CMS Irks Parents With Survey

The caucus results in Nevada had barely been tallied before the Democratic candidates for president packed their bags for South Carolina and Saturday’s “first in the South” primary. So Charlotte Talks has set up shop, too, at Amelie’s French Bakery in Rock Hill.

Former Vice President Joe Biden put all his chips on South Carolina in an attempt to retake frontrunner status from Sen. Bernie Sanders. The tide might be in Biden’s favor as polls show him with a commanding lead, and the state’s top African American official, Rep. Jim Clyburn, endorsed Biden.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools found itself having to explain why students in grades 6-12 were given a survey about their gender identity and sexual orientation. The school board, meanwhile, had to scale back the size of three high schools that were part of a bond package voters approved in 2017.

Also, the will-he-stay, won’t-he-stay question about Cam Newton seemed to be resolved this week, and the CIAA tipped off it’s last (for now?) tournament in Charlotte.


Mary C. Curtis, Roll Call columnist and WCCB News contributor (@mcurtisnc3)

Cailyn Derickson, The Herald, reporter (@cailynderickson)

Steve Harrison, WFAE political reporter, co-host of the “Inside Politics” podcast (@Sharrison_WFAE)

Jonathan Lowe, Spectrum News, reporter and anchor (@JonathanUpdates)

Ann Doss Helms, WFAE education reporter (@anndosshelms)

Could a short-term Bloomberg solution doom Democrats in the long term?

OPINION — Mike Bloomberg, the former New York mayor, has been busy on the campaign trail, said “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert, “shaking hands and frisking babies.” Taking a more solemn tone in his monologue, “Daily Show” host Trevor Noah, a South African native who knows firsthand the effects of raw, racial animus, said in part: “So my problem with Mike Bloomberg is he’s not saying, ‘I’m sorry for targeting black people. I’m sorry for treating black people like second-class citizens. I’m sorry for gaslighting black people for so long.’ No, he’s just, like, ‘I’m sorry that stop-and-frisk happened to affect black communities.’ And it’s, like, no, it didn’t happen to. You designed it to.”

Bloomberg can look forward to that and more as long as he remains in the race to represent the Democratic Party in November against Donald Trump.

South Carolina Democratic Debate

CHARLOTTE, NC — Political contributor Mary C. Curtis discusses the winners and losers from the South Carolina democratic debate and what it means heading into the Saturday primary and super Tuesday.

Will the Nevada Democratic Debate be a Game-Changer?

CHARLOTTE, NC — The democratic presidential candidates have one more shot to make their case on the debate stage ahead of Saturday’s Nevada caucuses. Political contributor Mary C. Curtis talks about what to expect ahead of Thursday’s debate.

The Democratic divide is not just between moderates and progressives

Are frightened Democrats in the middle of an ugly fight to the death between the so-called progressive and moderate wings of the party? To observe the weeping and gnashing of teeth after the New Hampshire primary, you might think so. Let’s just say, that reaction is premature and missing the point.

Yet there are already calls from some in the Democratic establishment, such as it is, for consolidation of the moderates to fight a Bernie Sanders surge that would presumably cast the party into the electoral wilderness in 2020, when the main focus, the reasoning goes, is to beat Donald Trump. To be fair, that seems to be top of mind for all those who want Trump out of office. When I go to the market or gym, anyone of a certain political persuasion even vaguely familiar with what I do for a living asks me “who can beat Trump” before I get a “hello.”

New Hampshire Primary Results

CHARLOTTE, NC — Senator Bernie Sanders has won New Hampshire’s presidential primary edging out rival Pete Buttigieg. Political contributor Mary C. Curtis looks at the winners and those who fell short.

POLITICAL WRAP: Democrats Trying to Re-Group for New Hampshire After Chaotic Iowa Caucus

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – DNC Chair Tom Perez is urging patience, following a chaotic week for Democrats.

His party’s field of presidential candidates, are trying to re-group, as they prepare for Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire.

All of this coming, after confusion in the Iowa caucuses led to a delay in results, and left two candidates declaring victory.

Click above for more with WCCB Charlotte Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis.

POLITICAL WRAP: Iowa Caucuses, State of the Union, Impeachment Trial Vote

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Another busy week in politics is ahead. Monday is the Iowa Caucuses. Tuesday, President Trump delivers the State of the Union address. And Wednesday, Senators will vote whether to acquit President Trump in the impeachment trail.

Click above for more from WCCB Charlotte Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis.

Double standards for 2020 Democratic hopefuls? You don’t say

OPINION — There is a particular line that stuck with me in the just-opened film “Queen & Slim,” about a black couple on the run after an altercation with a white police officer goes awry in the depressing and terrible way you might imagine. During their perilous road trip, in a quieter moment, he (a retail worker) asks her (an attorney) if she is good at her job. “I’m an excellent lawyer,” she replies, to which he answers with a question that’s really a statement: “Why do black people always got to be excellent? Why can’t we just be ourselves?”

Since the pre-mortems were written a bit ago, it’s time for a post-mortem on the presidential campaign of California Sen. Kamala Harris, who never seemed to quite discover who she was or at least convey authenticity and excellence to enough voters or donors to make a difference.