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2017 May | Mary C. Curtis

Archives for May 2017

Opinion: Democrats May Be Too Optimistic About 2018 Gains

The redrawn congressional districts in North Carolina turned out to be too racially driven for a Supreme Court dominated by conservatives — with Justice Clarence Thomas siding with the majority.

Who’d have thought it?

But the fact that it’s arguably a toss-up, in some judges’ reasoning, how much the Republicans in the state legislature used race or pure partisan advantage while doing their dirty work highlights how difficult it will be for Democrats to retake the majority in the House — Trumpian scandals and a proposed budget that hurts many in the GOP base notwithstanding.

President’s Trump’s Foreign Trip Amid Terror in UK, Russian Probe

President Trump met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Wednesday. While it is unclear what the two specifically spoke about during their 30 minute chat, the Vatican, in a statement, said the two discussed promoting world peace and protecting Christians in the Middle East.

While on his first foreign tour in office, President Trump is also confronting the worst terror attack carried out in Britain in 12 years. A memorial is growing to remember the 22 people killed and dozens injured during Monday night’s attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England.  Trump condemned the tragedy, calling those behind the attack “evil losers.”

Back home, the Trump Administration is also dealing with new developments in the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

WCCB’s Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis weighs in on the issues overseas, and back home in the U.S.

Opinion: Trump Policies on Voting and Criminal Justice Quietly Move Country Backward

While the Trump administration is in a state of perpetual turmoil, some of its promised policies are proceeding as planned. Support from a Republican Congress is softening with each cringe-worthy headline about slips, leaks and feuds; still, its members, mindful of the president’s loyal base, are proceeding with caution.

And when you step back from the chaos, don’t expect to see any progress on other issues — such as voting rights and criminal justice reform — that once promised a bit of bipartisan cooperation.


Comey’s Memo, Trump’s Russia Meeting

Charlotte, NC — There is controversy on two fronts at the White House. According to a memo, President Trump allegedly asked then FBI Director James Comey to end the bureau’s investigation into then National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. The latest allegations come on the heels of reports that the President also shared classified information with Russian leaders during an Oval Office meeting last week. Members of the House Oversight Committee say they are willing to subpoena documents of any conversations between Comey and Trump if they are not handed over by May 24th.

Russia President Vladimir Putin is also offering to turn over to Congress records of President Donald Trump’s discussions with Russian diplomats in which Trump is said to have disclosed classified information.

Lawmakers on both aisles are pressing for more answers.

WCCB Political Contributor, Mary C. Curtis offers more perspective on the drama and chaos in Washington.

Green Eyeshade Awards — 1st Place Serious Commentary

The results for the 67th Annual Green Eyeshade Awards:

Serious Commentary: Online

  • First Place: Roll Call, The Undefeated, The Root, NPR – Mary C. Curtis, Collection of Columns
  • Second Place: FloridaPolitics.com / Extensive Enterprises Media – Martin Dyckman, The Death Penalty in Florida – commentary by Martin Dyckman
  • Third Place: The Hechinger Report – Andre Perry, Degree of Interest

Local News Roundup: Reaction to Comey Firing, Parents Weigh In on CMS Map, Crime on the Rise

Carolina senators react to the firing of the FBI director. Charlotte-Mecklenburg parents give the school board feedback on the student assignment plan. Violent crime figures are on the rise. Mike Collins and our reporter roundtable discuss the week’s news.

Opinion: Trump’s Reruns — ‘Slippery Ethics, Harsh Pronouncements and Shiny Gilt’

Is everyone exhausted yet?

The one thing America could count on was that Trump, as promised, would put on a surprising show. But not even four months into the Trump presidency, the one surprise is how depressingly familiar the playbook has become. The hopes and dreams that candidate Trump promised to fulfill? Hold off on those.


FBI Director James Comey Fired

James Comey is out as FBI Director. What happens to Russia investigation?

James Comey has been fired by President Donald Trump as head of the FBI, as his administration is being investigated by the FBI for connections with Russia, which U.S. intelligence agencies have confirmed interfered in the 2016 presidential election. What happens to the investigation, and will there be a special prosecutor?

Opinion: It’s Huge — Few Presidents Have Praised Authoritarians as Much as Trump

So what does a criminal look like, exactly? On the campaign trail, Donald Trump featured the moving stories of the grieving relatives of those who had been killed by criminals who were in the U.S. illegally. In a promise kept, the Department of Homeland Security has introduced the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement Office, or VOICE, housed within Immigration and Customs Enforcement. DHS Secretary John Kelly said: “They are casualties of crimes that should never have taken place — because the people who victimized them often times should never have been in the country.”

Woman featured in Ivanka Trump’s new book reacts: ‘Don’t use my story’

Ivanka Trump released a self-help guide this week for working women, and it ignited mixed reactions from some of the role models featured in the book.