Archives for April 2013

Dr. Ben Carson: White liberals are “the most racist people”

Dr. Ben Carson, an up-and-coming African-American in the Republican Party is being taken to task tonight after making these controversial comments on Mark Levin’s conservative radio show.

Levin: You’re attacked also in many respects because of your race. Because you’re not supposed to think like this and talk like this. A lot of white liberals just don’t like it do they?

Carson: Well you know there the most racist people there are, because they put you in a little category, a little box, you have to think this way. How could you dare come off the plantation?

Carson says white liberals have been attacking him after he criticized gay marriage saying, “No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn’t matter what they are. They don’t get to change the definition.”

But are liberals really trying to take down the black conservative, or do they have a point?

Erin Burnett’s OutFront tonight: Mary C. Curtis is a blogger for the Washington Post, and Niger Innis, the chief strategist for

Note to Ben Carson: It’s not racism or a ‘plantation’ mentality; it’s just politics

Compared to politics, separating babies conjoined at the head in a 22-hour-long surgical procedure is nothing. I wonder if Dr. Ben Carson is thinking that right about now.

Carson has had a pretty rough time lately. The pediatric neurosurgeon studied hard and worked his way out of rough circumstances to make a name for himself at the top of his field. Today that name is being pummeled, and all because he opened his mouth.

Carson knows who to blame for the metaphorical beating he’s taking, though. White liberals. “They’re the most racist people there are,” he told radio host Mark Levin on Monday. “Because they put you in a little category, a box: ‘You have to think this way, how could you dare come off the plantation?’”

That was a quick turnaround.

In ‘Buckwild’ death, another case of a too real ‘reality’ show

Is it just entertainment? A young cast member’s death again raises questions about the shows that clog network and cable schedules.

What kind of state is North Carolina? Democrats and GOP make high-stakes bets

Democrats and Republicans in North Carolina are in an ideological standoff, with future elections in the balance. That explains why Kay Hagan, a Democratic senator facing a tough 2014 reelection race, endorsed same-sex marriage, and Republicans in control of the statehouse made moves to tighten voting restrictions – all in one week.