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Featured at WCCB Rising | Mary C. Curtis

Mary C. Curtis: Charlotte City Council Approves $2.7 Billion Budget

At its Monday meeting, Charlotte leaders approved next year’s $2.7 billion budget. Included are efforts to cut down on crime and funding for the arts as the city tries to come back after a year of COVID lockdown. Also, pay raises bring up salaries that had ranked low among comparable cities in the country.

WCCB Political Contributor, Mary C. Curtis is breaking down the budget for 2022 fiscal year and why you should care.

Mary C. Curtis: Donald Trump Jumps Into 2022 NC Senate Race, Endorses Rep. Ted Budd


Three-term Republican U.S. Senator Richard Burr’s plans to retire from the Senate has left an opening that several North Carolina Republicans hope to fill. During his weekend speech at the state GOP convention, Donald Trump made clear that he is still the party’s leader and intends to play a part in the primary process. Now that his daughter-in-law, North Carolina’s own Lara Trump has said she is not running – for now — Trump has endorsed U.S. Rep. Ted Budd.

While others running aren’t that happy, count former Gov. Pat McCrory among them, others in the GOP establishment wonder if Trump is a help or hindrance as he continues to focus not on the future but on the past. That past is the 2020 presidential contest and Trump’s continued false insistence that he won and that there was widespread fraud.

Mary C. Curtis: CMS Pushes Back on County Budget Allocation

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Mecklenburg County Commissioners, on Tuesday, adopted a $2 billion budget that includes a controversial $56 million cut to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. CMS promises to fight back by initiating the “dispute resolution process,” which calls for the two boards to meet within seven days.

In dispute is the plan to cut the CMS budget until it comes up with a plan to close the racial achievement gap. CMS says it already has a strategic plan, that the cut will harm students and that the commissioners are overstepping their legal authority. County Commissioners say it’s about accountability, and that the trim won’t affect student services.

WCCB Political Contributor, Mary C. Curtis is breaking down the funding feud and other key issues in the county’s budget that you should know about.

Mary C. Curtis: School Funding Fight

CHARLOTTE, NC — It is a dispute that does not fall along party, neighborhood or racial lines.

In the latest county budget proposal, Mecklenburg County Manager Dena Diorio has proposed a recommendation that calls for putting $56 million of the money for CMS in the next fiscal year aside, intended to close those gaps and strengthen college readiness for Black and brown students.

WCCB Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis discusses the ongoing battle.

You can catch Mary C. Curtis on Sunday nights at 6:30 PM on WCCB Charlotte’s CW discussing the biggest issues in local and national politics and also giving us a look at what’s ahead for the week.

You can also check out Mary’s podcast ‘Equal Time.’

Mary C. Curtis: Relaxing the Mask Mandate

CHARLOTTE, NC — With the summer ahead, and more than a year into the COVID pandemic, many are celebrating the CDC announcement relaxing mask mandates.

People want to travel and socialize and businesses want to fully open.

But since the new rules apply to the vaccinated, there are still questions about who is and is not safe and if relying on an honor system is dependable.

WCCB Charlotte Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis is weighing in on the new rules.

You can catch Mary C. Curtis on Sunday nights at 6:30 PM on WCCB Charlotte’s CW discussing the biggest issues in local and national politics and also giving us a look at what’s ahead for the week.

Mary C. Curtis: Businesses Struggling with Staff Shortages

CHARLOTTE, NC — As the economy opens back up businesses in our area and across the country are struggling to find help.

WCCB Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis talks about what’s leading to the shortage and if it will get better.

Mary C. Curtis: Breaking Down Charlotte Proposed Budget

CHARLOTTE, NC — The latest budget proposal for Charlotte includes no plans for a property tax increase, a new way to fund the arts, and more money for the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department.

WCCB Political Contributor Mary. C. Curtis is breaking down the $2.7 billion plan.

You can catch Mary C. Curtis on Sunday nights at 6:30 PM on WCCB Charlotte’s CW discussing the biggest issues in local and national politics and also giving us a look at what’s ahead for the week.

You can also check out Mary’s podcast ‘Equal Time.’

Mary C. Curtis: NC Gains Seat in Congress After 2020 Census

CHARLOTTE, NC — North Carolina has gained another seat in congress based on new census data.

The state will get a 14th seat in the house, which means North Carolina is also gaining an electoral vote.

WCCB Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis is breaking it all down.

You can catch Mary C. Curtis on Sunday nights at 6:30 PM on WCCB Charlotte’s CW discussing the biggest issues in local and national politics and also giving us a look at what’s ahead for the week.

You can also check out Mary’s podcast ‘Equal Time.’

Mary C. Curtis: Derek Chauvin Verdict

CHARLOTTE, NC — Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is found guilty on all counts of murder and manslaughter in the killing of George Floyd.

In the rare case of a police officer brought up on charges and found guilty in the killing of a Black person, the prosecutors mounted a strong case: video evidence, witness testimony, police officers including the police chief testifying that Chauvin did not follow policy.

What happens next on the issue of police reform and Black Lives Matter?

You can catch Mary C. Curtis on Sunday nights at 6:30 PM on WCCB Charlotte’s CW discussing the biggest issues in local and national politics and also giving us a look at what’s ahead for the week.

Mary C. Curtis: NC Voter ID Law Heads to Court

CHARLOTTE, NC — North Carolina’s latest law requiring voters to show a photo ID at the polls is now on trial.

A  panel of judges is hearing arguments in a lawsuit challenging the 2018 law.

WCCB Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis discusses what’s at stake and the impact it could have.

You can catch Mary C. Curtis on Sunday nights at 6:30 PM on WCCB Charlotte’s CW discussing the biggest issues in local and national politics and also giving us a look at what’s ahead for the week.