Archives for March 2017

‘A Day Without a Woman’

CHARLOTTE, NC– Timed to coincide with the U.N.-designated International Women’s Day, organizers hope today’s ‘A Day Without a Woman’ movement will help people realize the contributions women make to society.  They are asking women to take the day off from paid and unpaid work, not spend any money, and wear ‘red’; the color of solidarity.  In North Carolina, some school districts including Chapel Hill-Carborro canceled classes…but will there be a lasting effect? WCCB Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis weighs in.

What ‘Us Versus Them’ Looks Like Beyond America’s Borders

The problem is not “fake news.” It’s not enough news.

That point was made crystal clear during a trip this past week to South Africa, where a brief glance at the international programming on cable channels served as a corrective eye-opener. It was full of news and features barely glimpsed on many U.S. channels, and, in truth, they probably would not be ratings grabbers.

In the U.S., we are instead fed a diet of Beltway political intrigue and reports on the country’s partisan divide, with mere moments of in-depth reporting on what America can learn from other countries. In this narrative, “foreigners” are takers, not givers, and America has all the answers. We so often see “them” through the lens of “us.”

The NCAA / HB2 Deadline

CHARLOTTE, NC — The NCAA gave North Carolina until the end of February to repeal HB2 – or no games for six years. That deadline has passed and both sides are still at odds over what repeal would look like. WCCB Political Contributor Mary. C Curtis weighs in.